Friday, February 6, 2015

मोदी confused...!!!

कल अम्बेदनगर, दिल्ली में मोदी जी ने अपनी रैली में मौजूद लोगों से पूछा...
मित्रों 7 तारीख़ को किसे वोट देना है???
वहाँ मौजूद जनसमूह ने कहा, 'आप ' को...
मोदी confused...!!!
— with Puneet Chowdhary.
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  • Sp Tripathi जनता क्या कम है राजनेताओं से ।
  • Puneet Chowdhary Kavi raaj good humor but these elections will not be fought on caste or religion. It would be lower and uneducated, poor, illustrates vs middle class, educated. I plead to all middle and upper class in Delhi to consolidate and come in big numbers to vote.
  • Puneet Chowdhary Kiran Bedi is a very undiplomatic and cruel dictator. This country needs such ruthless. Sabko saath leker chalne valo ka time gaya. Jisko saath chalna Hai unko bhagna hoga
  • Tahsin Usmani At least one way history is being made that one big party is so much involved with one individual.
  • Puneet Chowdhary yes tahsin sahib but its going to have more grave and serious implications u would see if AAP comes to power.Kejriwal is good or bad ,AAP is good or bad cant say but the kind of philosphy he is propogaing totally hinging on demographic divide would be disastrous for middle class and country as a whole.The bunch of people he is claiming to represent have no clue of democratic values.They just want sasta paani and bijli.Gandi aadatein daal di inko congree nein 60 saal mein.If that poor person is roaming around the world single handedly to collect money for your development whats wrong he is doing.Even educated are asking-Kya kiya hai Modi nai.Height of immaturity and lack of congiscance for democracy
  • Tahsin Usmani The poor man wearing a suit of at least Rs10 lacs! Jaduu woh jo sar chadh kar bole.
  • Puneet Chowdhary Sir these are very minor issues. I think a prime minister is privileged for more than that. But look at what radical changes he is planning to bring or else should we admit we r not fit to be lead by a strong leader.
  • Tahsin Usmani Minor issue!Privileged prime minister!Acche din aanewale hain.(Sorry I close it here as politics is not my line.yeh tu bas mood ho gaya tha)
  • Puneet Chowdhary Not a issue sir it's a healthy discussion we can always have
  • Tahsin Usmani Good.Thanks.
  • S.p. Singh आपकी यह पोस्ट बडी रोचक स्टेज पर आ गई है और इसे अभी इतनी जल्दी मरने नहीं देंगे।

    एक मित्र ने फेसबुक पर कुछ रोज पहले लिखा कि अगर भाजपा दिल्ली हारती है तो इसका श्रेय अमित शाह और मोदी जी को ही जाएगा कारण यह लोग क्यों इतने दिन तक इंतजार करते रहे लोकसभा के च
    ुनाव के बाद क्यों जोड़ तोड़ की राजनीत की। यह चुनाव पहले ही करा लेते जब मोदी जी की हवा चल रही थी।

    अब जबकि हवा का रुख बदल गया है और विरोध के सुर प्रबल हो गये हैं और वह लोगों की निगाह पर खरे नहीं उतर रहे हैं तो दूसरा कोई क्या करे।

    मुझे लगता है कहीं न कहीं मोदी जी स्वयं दोषी हैं इस कारण के उन्होंने इस सोते हुए देश को जगा दिया। आशाओं से भर दिया। वगैर यह समझे कि यहाँ लोकतंत्र है और चीन या रूस की तरह काम नहीं हो सकता। अब उनके किए वादे पूरे नहीं हो रहे तो कोई क्या करे। अगर आप एक एक बिंदु का विशलेषण करें तो मुझे सही पाएगें। मसलन हेमराज का सिर काट कर पाकिस्तान ले गया तब इन्होंने ने क्यों कहा था किए हम पाँच सिर काट लाएंगे। कुछ रोज पहले ही के दिल्ली में भाषण में कहा किए हर गरीब के सिर पर छत होगी 2222 तक। आपको यह पता है कि यह नहीं होने वाला है। जब हम बापू की 150वीं जयंती मनाएंगे भारत सफाई से जगमगा जाएगा। हम राम मंदिर बनाएंगे, नहीं बना। 370 खत्म कर देंगे, नहीं हुई खत्म। इसी तरह बिजली 2019 में चौबीस घंटे सबके घरों में, नहीं होगी। दिल्ली के निवासी तो बिजली का बिल भर नहीं पा रहे हैं तो बाकी हिन्दुस्तानियों की हैसियत कहाँ से हो जाएगी बिजली का बिल भरने की, क्यों किया ऐसा वायदा कौन पैसा लगाएगा और कहाँ से अचानक उत्पादन इतना बढ जाएगा। बुलेट ट्रेन चलेगी प्राइवेट सेक्टर में टिकट होगा पाँच हजार मुबंई-अहमदाबाद के बीच एक हजार करोड लागत आती है इनफ्रास्ट्रक्चर पर। एक आम आदमी को खाना मुश्किल से नसीब होता है। कौन चढेगा बुलेट ट्रेन पर? स्कूल को लीजिए कक्षा एक में पडने के लिए फीस एक लाख रुपये कहाँ से आएंगे, जहां खाने के लाले पड़े रहते हैं। इलाज की बात करें एक दिल के मरीज के इलाज में दो स्टेन्ट बदलने की कीमत चार लाख रुपये कौन देगा? 

    परुंतु जहां तक मुझे समझ आता है हमारे यहां अभी धीरे ही सही पर सभी के विकास की घिसीपिटी चीजों की जरूरत है जिससे काम चले। बहुत लंबे वादे करोगे, तो जनता तो बैचेन हो ही जाएगी।

    यह मेरा व्यक्तिगत विचार है और मोदीजी के लिए सलाह भी कि 70 करोड के भले की बात सोचें और आराम से कभी राम के नाम पर या कभी 370 के नाम पर वोट लेते रहें। काम करना ही है तो सबसे पहले पापुलेशन पर लगाम लगने की बात करें।अमेरिका से सीख लेनी है तो यह सीख लें कि किस तरह कामन सिविल कोड लगे। कैसे विभिन्न विचार धारा के लोगो में राष्ट्रयीयता का बीज उत्पन्न हो वह बढे फले फूले। किसान के हितों की कैसे रक्षा हो। आज आपके पास अन्न का भंडार है इसलिए लंबी चौडी बातें करने का मौका मिल रहा है। आपको याद होगा 1972 में PL480 के अंतर्गत लाल गेहूं आया था और साथ में आई गाजर घास जिससे आजतक किसान उभर नहीं पाया। कई बीमारियां दे गई, वो गाजर घास।

    अन्यथा यह राजनीति है और मेरे विचार में भाजपा तथा कांग्रेस में वही विचार है कि शासन करो कभी कभार इन भूखेनगों/ भिखमंगों के आगे दो एक टुकड़े डाल दो कभी इस नाम पर कभी उस नाम पर वोट बटोरते रहो।

  • Puneet Chowdhary Sir I strongly object to any opinion against modified. U know why we r so much behind China and Russia. Dande ki aadat nahi Hai. Long live modified
  • Puneet Chowdhary Long live modijee
  • Puneet Chowdhary We were never impatient with Long rule of Congress. It's irony within months we r questioning sincerity of such a great visionary
  • S.p. Singh Time to prepare next budget. 100 crs provided in the last budget for Ganges cleaning not spent. 250 crs provided for smart cities where it has gone. Petrol should be sold for 25 rs why it's so high after liberalisation. Modi ji, where are 5 heads of Pakistani Army men as promised during electineering. At what cost solar panels would be imported from USA. and so on so forth. Modi gets his voice only in election rallies otherwise he is another Manmohan. Who gifted him suit length of I0 lacs. This is democracy. People will ask questions. He must answer face to face. That's what one anarchist has asked. One can come and speak and go away. Why not follow US presidential debate practices. Simply giving pep talks in monologue like man kind baat etc. is no good for democracy. He has been pracharak and he can not use his oratory to simply deflect hard hitting questions. I think he is loosing this election to AAP.
  • Srini Vasan nice pun of words.
  • Puneet Chowdhary Sir pls take out political content from his intentions.We debate after budget i think.All issues u have raised take time.Otherwise it would put a big question mark on our sensibilties if we are not correct in our timings of questioning a dedicated leader.Yes it would be right to question him by Mid 2017 not now
  • Puneet Chowdhary What congress did on above issues.The created these issues
  • S.p. Singh As you say better discuss after budget. Fine I am okay with it. But I never like his dialogue delivery like Sohrab Modi of forties and fifties Indian films. Prime Minister of India has to be serious person and when he speaks world should listen to him with honours and much needed respect.
  • Puneet Chowdhary Sir time lagta hai.Moreover if his intentions are ok u feel then these issues how he speaks.whay he wears i dont think important enough.My personal request to you is Pls apologise him
  • Puneet Chowdhary On speech issues i agree,Modi jee gets into Ramlila mode
  • Puneet Chowdhary U would be surprised he has been a great theatre artist in his hay days
  • उमेश शर्मा I absolutely agree with you. Our Prime Minister should not behave like Madari of Mazma.
  • S.p. Singh The problem is that I too have been a good stage artist but not great stage artist so I can not tolerate him. 😯
  • 許教主 Comfort joy, luck and safe and healthy, happy Friday ~
  • S.p. Singh Today's news papers are indicating BJP is trying to say that election of Delhi is no referendum on Modi. AAP says it means BJP accepted moral defeat. What's said earlier coming to be true that Bedi will be used as a mask to save Modi from embrassment.
  • Umesh Chandra Srivastava I agree with opinion of sri s.p.singh. On the way development of country a major hurdle is corruption. Nothing is visible in this issue. Formation of lokpal is still pending and there is no indication in this regard. We, the indian voters, are evaluating the political parties on the basis of vaad ( वाद ). We should evaluate on the basis of their work.
    19 hrs · Like
  • Puneet Chowdhary Sir if people like us are unable to understand what Modi is trying to do then I can only pity. I think we deserve lallu and Malayum as we r in line with jhuggiwallas unable to think and understand
    19 hrs · Like
  • Puneet Chowdhary U hv to create a structure for lokpal umeshjee requires crores of rupees per month. Government has priorities they don't hv money.
    19 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • S.p. Singh For that they are selling Airwaves, the wealth created over the years like PSUs. ITI, MTNL, TCIL etc. They are selling land to private builders. Coal Mines, entire coast line in Gujrat is already sold out. Forest land.Agricultural land in Noida, Faridabad, Rohtak etc. No place is now left for Indian's in India. Soon Indian's will hv to shift to Mars.
    18 hrs · Edited · Like
  • 18 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • Puneet Chowdhary Sp sir they r disinvesting to generate resources. India has serious fiscal deficit. This fiscal deficit is because of freebies which Congress and now Kejriwal is promising to slum dwellers. Everything free. This creates pressure on country's financial system and ruins tax payers money. Middle class is subsiding jhuggiwallas this way and Delhi walls are licking Kejriwal without having basic knowledge. Modi is trying to end this financial pressure by stopping subsidies.
    18 hrs · Like
  • Puneet Chowdhary Kavi Kesari today I m clear why mayawati and Mullayam breed. We don't have basic knowledge to decide who is right and what is bright. Better bring Congress back and maintain our status quo for another 50 years. Do we really know what we need.
    18 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • S.p. Singh Now this country can't continue with BJP or Congress some new breed is required like the one who lives in jungle so that we can once again reach the zenith. That breed has come out to roar in Delhi for some he is anarchist. He will lead the nation. He will be a Haryanvi. 

    Let's wait till he returns with a bang. A new type of politics is all about to begin. No tentwallahs, no chaiwalas he will be one amongst commoners. Just wait. Jp movement created BJP and Anna movement will give gift to nation AAP.
    15 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Puneet Chowdhary Sir we can't change for the sake of change . try modijee for five years hum Indians rishte banane ki bhi jaldi karte Hai or todne ki bhi. Highly immature
    17 hrs · Like
  • Puneet Chowdhary Ha ha I m getting clear why we don't hv water and good roads
    17 hrs · Like
  • Anil Khurana Voter samajdar ho chuka h, dekho.
    16 hrs · Like
  • Puneet Chowdhary Khuranjee bahut aage Janna hai
    16 hrs · Like
  • S.p. Singh Puneet you must bear in mind that BJP was in virtual command of Delhi and in municipal corporations they had majority and controlling all the segments and yet couldn't yet give Delhi what was talked in its adds and especially by Modi ji in 2013 election. BJP you do not know is also not sincere in it's commitments to the people. Both Congress and BJP are power hungry. Let's us see how this Topiwala and MUFFLERWALA behaves. He may also not deliver on his promises. That we would see after five years. Modi has good number of States to manage let him show and deliver.
    15 hrs · Edited · Like
  • Tahsin Usmani Very nice and impressive arguments.Politics is basically a game of emotional exploitation of innocents by clever and crookeds.So it happened and so it is happening.Rest all daydreaming.
    15 hrs · Unlike · 2
  • S.p. Singh Tahsin Bhai politics is not my cup of tea but as a commoner I keep my eyes and ears open and since I do not belong to any school of thought I enjoy submitting my views at least on Facebook. This is what democracy gives me as my fundamental right. And it helps me to keep me mentally fit and alive.
    14 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Puneet Chowdhary Sir yes I agree with you on majority of these issues. May be being residents of Delhi you know some local issues better then me. Sir what happens there are certain limitations at end of every government which many times we don't realised. NOW with modijee in Delhi perhaps Delhi walls could realise a BJP government wud do better in place of Kejriwal. HOW do u think a headstrong and decisive Modijee allow Kejriwal to function with his subsidy oriented schemes. Modijee knows only one political relation Guru and Chelan. So with AAP in Delhi situation will turn from bad to worst. The voter has to realise this practical aspect of democracy but for that voter has to be educated and analytical. Still we need 100 years minimum to achieve desired Democratic values
    15 hrs · Like
  • S.p. Singh This is what should not be allowed Modi can't be given Delhi as he will turn out to be dictator. Democracy is all about looking after masses and not a few Seth jis who are fluroushing, enjoying and surviving on bank loans of Banks, LIC and other financial institutions. No one has put his father's money in the business. Secondly blessed all fudged accounts are submitted. Half of the Companies on records are bogus and are knee deep in financial irregularities. Why audit of electric companies couldn't be completed in Delhi ; no one is talking about which was ordered by Kejariwal. Delhi High Court had to issue directions. Do you think Supreme Court or High Courts are responsible for running the administration.
    13 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Puneet Chowdhary Sir that was legacy of congress.But since we have not seen BJP in Delhi so we cant anticipate about their working.Mreover their CM is a strong lady who knows how to take work.I think we need to support LOTUS bloom in delhi.Kejriwal would be a big disaster.
    12 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • S.p. Singh hahaha....Our war over.Delhites are voting. let them choose their CM I don't hv my vote in Delhi neither you. Be happy but be watchful of Modi and his party and followers as these guys are absolute hardliners and are capable to blow trumpet from the roof top just for nothing.......
    3 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Tahsin Usmani I am sorry I donot know how this ugly face appeared in my name.I am not able to remove it. Pl ignoreit
    2 hrs · Like
  • S.p. Singh I hv just heard that Imam Of Jama Masjid has issued fatwa to Muslims that they should vote for AAP. I strongly oppose this and let Muslims not be feeling bound by this fatwa as it's against their own religion. Fatwas issuance are very bad and should be decried not by others but by the followers of Islam for political voting. I hope people would vote as per their conscious and not on account of fatwas.
    2 hrs · Edited · Like
  • S.p. Singh Tahsin bhai just don't bother. It happens some time....
    2 hrs · Like

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